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Bradshaw vs Crash (Hardcore Match)
Bradshaw vs Crash Hardcore Match
APA VS hardcore and crash holly
Brock Lesnar vs Crash Holly (Dark Match)
Crash Holly pours beer on Faarooq, then challeges him to a match - 720p ᴴᴰ - WWF 5/25/00
Crash Holly vs. Perry Saturn - WWE Hardcore Championship: SmackDown, April 13, 2000
Crash Holly debuts in WWE: Raw, Aug. 16, 1999
Crash Holly defends the Hardcore Title against a group of clowns: SmackDown, April 20, 2012
The Hardcore Championship changes hands several times throughout the night: WrestleMania X8
Bradshaw vs. The Hurricane – European Championship Match: Raw, Oct. 21, 2001
HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL: JHardy, Bradshaw, Richards, Dreamer, Terri, Bubba, Johnny, Spike & Crash
Test vs. Crash Holly - Hardcore Championship Match: SmackDown, Feb. 24, 2000